Sunday, December 12, 2010

Rewind: The Year of Surprises

What a year. Sitting here now at the end of it, looking back, I feel happy, proud and.... exhausted.

Although it goes so fast, a lot can happen in a year. And it certainly did in 2010!

This is the year that our home changed, the foundations laid for our future...

The year my baby girl turned two and grew up so much...

The year I turned 30 and celebrated with my little family and some great friends in paradise...

The year I started out trying to grow my hair, and ended up cutting it all off - again...

And Abbey's hair grew from a short covering to a mass of curls...

The year we added chickens to our household...

The year that I began as a HR Consultant hoping for some writing work on the side...

And ended as a writer...

The year that some doors came ajar and others flew wide open...

The year I had some monumental breakdowns...

And came out the other side a happier, better person...

This was a year full of surprises. I wonder what 2011 will bring...



  1. An amazing year for you Megan. here's to 2011!! x

  2. What an amazing year gorgeous one! I like that I know I will meet you in 2011! ;) other than that I just know it'll be wonderful for you. Xxxx

  3. Oh, no. You forgot to mention you met ME!!!

    Hon - the year has been great. You've done good.


  4. YAY! (except for the sucky breakdowns) 2011 is going to be a great year xo

  5. It's always a good year when there are chickens involved! :)
