Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The brag book: an awesome year

The 'brag book' is a post I sometimes do when I want to acknowledge that I'm proud of myself for something. I really think we all need to sit back on occasion and let ourselves feel that - so feel free to share your brags in the comments too!

It's about now that lots of us tend to reflect on where we've been and where we're heading, and I've been reading back over some of my posts from this time last year.

Last year, it seems, I was still trying to get through some of the crap, and I was determined to clear that this year. I used words like "simple" and "focus" a lot; I just wanted to get back to basics and I dreamed of a life where I was less 'busy' and more relaxed. Also happier with what I have and what I do.

Looking back over the last twelve months, I have to say that I'm really proud of myself...

I've focused my writing, really set some goals and although I've had less time than ever this year, I've used it productively and kicked those goals in a big way.

I unloaded the crap I was carrying around. I'm at peace with myself and my life.

Steve has always said, "Why worry?" and he lets things roll off his shoulders. I chose to listen to him on that this year, rather than fight him on it, and chose to see life as kind of easy. And so it was. (Yes, you told me so. Sigh.)

I've watched my Abbey grow up more - she's loved having her own activities and she's made some gorgeous friends. More than that, she's a beautiful soul and this year we've seen even more of that in so many ways. I couldn't be prouder.

And, of course, I grew a baby! and have watched her start her life and give a new meaning to the word 'thrive'.

This year has been wonderful, everything I wished for and more that I didn't dare hope.

I'm proud of my little family. And I'm proud of how far I've come.

I'm also really excited about 2013!

What are you proud of this year? Brag away!


  1. I loved reading this - sounds like you've really had a fantastic year! I also had my second daughter this year, and like you my husband adds the calming balance to our household.
    This year I'm proud of starting up my own blog, as something completely for myself and I am thrilled that a few people have enjoyed reading it. I'm also proud of not just "surviving" with two little ones, but actually getting more achieved with two than I did with one!

  2. I have always loved your 'brag book', Megan. You have accomplished such a lot (not even mentioning a whole new person). Happiest new year to you. x

  3. Brag away. How wonderful to see the good things for what they are. And good on you for writing more! Sounds like Steve is your yang. x
