Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A day in the life

My day.

Started with coldness, middled with kids, ended with work.

How was your day?


  1. I love your pics to describe your day. Little moments. I'm back to work now! Sometimes I like getting back in the swing of things, but boy do I wish it was actually a 4 day work week, rather than 5. Five is so tiring! :)

  2. So in the madness of having a newborn baby and trying to play diligent husband, I let my blog reading lapse. Now I'm catching up. And boy am I glad I've got a few minutes to be able to.

    Megan, I love your words. No doubt about it: you're one of my favourite writers. But this? This just made my heart leap for joy and barely a word was written.

    So beautiful.
