Friday, August 2, 2013

When did you last update your self-image?

Fuzzy photo by Abbey

When I was skiing at Mt Buller, my instructor made an observation about me: "You're athletic."

"Hahahahaha! Me? Athletic?!" I laughed later to Steve.

"But... you are," he said. And he wasn't being even slightly sarcastic.

I tend to think of myself as I was years ago. As a kid, I'd do anything to avoid sport. I'd complain of being sick, I'd tell a male teacher I had period pain week after week, and hide in the library at lunchtime to avoid any sport-like activities that might be underway.

Lots of things have changed. The me of yesteryear took one look at dirt and walked back inside, hid behind my Mum's legs with total shyness, and complained about walking five minutes to the shops.

These days, I'm completely different; it's just weird to think of myself this "new" way, though. Ask me to describe myself and I'd probably still describe my traits as a child and teenager - and then you'd look at me and think I'm a bit odd for using that description.

Part of a personality is determined by circumstance, too. I was a certain way as a kid for self-preservation, i.e. trying not to be noticed. These days I'm okay with being seen.

Maybe now, being in my 30s, is a good time to update my self-image.

Do you still see yourself as you were, rather than how you are?


  1. I totally agree Megan, and I still feel like I'm a younger version of myself, but I'm happy to be me, this one now with all my life learnings is so much more together and interesting. Love this pic taken by your little girl, you're looking at the camera with love for the little person holding it!

  2. I think sometimes I do slip back into seeing myself how I was. I really try to think of me as how I am now though because I have changed so much and in a great way!

  3. Yes, an update is necessary! I have to admit that those things that happened to us as children stick with us for a lifetime! There are times when I am surprised at how people see me. It's definitely different to how I see myself.

    As always, a fabulous post Megan. x

  4. Do you...
    1) love Almighty God?
    2) love your neighbor?
    Cya Upstairs someday ♥️
