Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

In our house the Christmas tree sits by our wall of memories. Just in that snippet of a photo you can see our wedding, holidays we'll always remember, and the birth of our two babies.

It took a while this year for it to feel like Christmas. For a while it was just rushing around, getting things done, and becoming anxious about it all. Now, finally, it's here. Steve's on holidays, the four of us are together - this is the way it should be.

Christmas always makes me a bit emotional, and this year it's happening more than ever.

We have an excited four-year-old who understands it all and has loved the lead up to Christmas. And we have a baby, and although she has no idea that anything is different (she sleeps and gets fed, life as usual), having a baby at Christmas time is something truly special.

I think Christmas really highlights how fleeting childhood is. I watch as my girls grow up, ever happy to see them reach new stages and learn more, but at this time of year I allow myself a moment or two of sentimentality. Reflecting on how much they've grown, the things we've done and the memories we've created, the life we're so very lucky to live.

So as I sit here with a tear in my eye, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I hope it's a wonderful celebration, filled with fun and laughter and lots of hugs and love.

Over the holidays I'll be posting daily at my 'other' home (just click here), with inspiration for getting outside with the kids over summer. I'd love to see you over there!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it takes Christmas to stop and reflect how much our babies have grown. Our three year old will really remember Christmas this year, and so it was hard to take down the Christmas tree today. "But Mummy, it hasn't snowed". Heartbreakingly cute!

    Treasure all those moments with your babies. They really aren't babies for long. (And it seems quicker with the second!)

